Thursday 14 April 2011

First ever post!!!!!!

I'm just sitting on my bed, thinking of all the things I want to post tomorrow night. Very Very excited indeed, I hopping I get a few followers who can support me and actually love my blog that would be fantastic.

My style: rock,designer,girlie,Indie,Hollister and very British I bet your wondering how that is possible well actually it depends on my mood that day I like to change my style a lot:)

Little things about me: 15 years old, go to a boarding school in England born in Africa(The most wonderful place I have ever visited). I love everything in life that makes me happy, I'm fed up with being depressed as every teenager always is, I just want happiness right now so I'm going to cut all the crap in my life. But I do keep on mourning about wanting a 'boyfriend' but deep down I actually don't want one, too much hassle and I'm only fifteen so I'm just going to have some fun while I'm young...

Well I hope that wasn't too boring for y'all, feel free to message me and check out my tumblr if you wish.

I found this picture^^ on and I loved this style in this very elegant but stil flirty, I'll be posting more pictures of other people and my self up hope you enjoy mawwhhhhhh


  1. I like the styling + watching you :)

  2. that's a cute look!:) what's your tumblr?



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